We are currently experiencing an unprecedented and challenging time in our country. We have had to adapt our mode of operation to adhere to restrictions within the lockdown. We will continue to provide services for your pets and their well-being remains our highest priority.
Until further notice our operational status will continue as follows:
- In order to protect the safety of our staff and clients we are operating strictly on an appointment basis.
- Please phone 011 234 0658 in order to book an appointment, order food or medication or to speak to one of the vets.
- In order to practice social distancing we ask that all clients remain outside until they are called – only one client at a time will be allowed in the reception area at any one time.
- We have split our staff into 2 teams in order to minimise the risk of Covid-19 exposure to the entire team and please ask for your patience as this has reduced the number of staff at a time available to help you.
From the 2nd of May we are able to offer our full range of services, but we will continue to work on appointments during this time.
We thank you for your understanding. Stay safe and healthy.